Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ode to Sidney 207/158

Sidney Sheldon is one of the greatest authors I have ever had the opportunity to read. I was browsing through Tar-jay and found a book with his name on it. I practically pee'd with excitement. I bought it and realized that it is the sequel to one of his books that was written about 20 years ago. So I requested the original on paperbackswap and re-read that one first. It made me fall in love with Mr. Sheldon all over again. *sigh* He is amazing. Then I started on the sequel. It too was amazing. I noticed that his writing style had changed a tiny bit, but I just figured that he changed over the past twenty years. Well, it turns out he has changed. He died in 2007 *sob* The book was actually written by another auther. One who I will have to keep my eye on in the future.