Sunday, November 21, 2010

Curtains??? 321/44

Curtains! Yep, I am actually this boring. I am posting about curtains. I never thought I'd see the day.
So here we have it, the great exciting post about curtains! Well, I had been contemplating what to do with the wall behind our bed for quite some time now. It has a window in the center of it, the only window in our room. I believe that the room was designed to have our bed on the opposite wall, but I have never been one to do things like it was intended. So I was trying to come up with something to finish off the wall, but not cover up the window. It seemed like the curtains were a given, yet I resisted (procrastinated) for months. I kept thinking there had to be a better solution. Finally, I decided to just buy some curtains and hang them up. If I ended up hating them, I could always take them down and start over. So here we have it. I realize that without being able to see the complete picture it's a little hard to imagine, but they actually turned out pretty well. When I put all the pillows back on our bed it looks somewhat like the window and curtains frame our bed.
p.s. Yes I realize that I hung the curtains over the top of the window, I did that on purpose. If you hate it, say so.