Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dress Shopping Round II 320/45

I took pictures today, but unfortunately, I can not post them. It is top secret!
I went dress shopping for the other wedding I am going to be in next spring, Kevin and Liz!!!
Liz, her sisters, mom and friend Katie and I all went to modesto to try on more bridesmaid dresses. I have to be honest, I was quite pleased with how much easier this time went. When I was last at Davids Bridal while shopping for dresses for Jens wedding it was not great. I think it helped that Liz is having a much less formal wedding and there is a bigger variety in shorter length dresses that are more casual.
Miraculously enough, we found a dress that we all loved and looked good on all body types. As for the two remaining bridesmaids that werent there, guess you are getting whatever we want!