Friday, April 30, 2010

Russian Invasion 117/248

Dad and I headed over to the stockton airport today at lunch to see if we could catch a glimpse of the Russian cargo plane scheduled to be there. I had seen it from a distance when I went to the post office, but I didn't get a chance to get up close. Unfortunately, by the time we got there it had already flew the coop. I had to make due with some pictures of a helicopter. Check out the link for more information on the plane. Apparently, it was a big deal, especially for stock-town.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mama's Boy 116/249

Momo got a new toy today. Poor little guy hasn't had any new toys in awhile, clearly he was suffering. He loves his new monkey and won't let any of the other dogs touch it...just as it should be.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Office Space 115/250

The best part about having my office at home? Looking out the window and seeing this little face watching me.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Roots 114/251

Today after lunch Dad and I took a detour to visit one of his childhood homes. Even though it is just around the corner from his business and we grew up only a few streets away, I had never been there. It was very interesting listening to him tell me about himself as a little boy. It also made me miss Grandma :(

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mi Ranchito 113/252

In my best Toby Keith voice "I looooove this bar" or restaurant. Mi Ranchito is a staple of my existence. I have been chowing down at this place pretty much since birth. Travis is hooked on it now too.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

No Picture 112/253

No picture today. I was a lazy bum and it was great.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wine Not? 111/254

I won this bottle of wine at the dinner last night. Travis is out of town for the night and I am hanging out all alone. I'm thinking a scary movie and a bottle of "Old Ghost" Wine not?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Firemen 110/255

Travis and I are fireman groupies. I will admit it. We hang out with a lot of firemen. Whenever Travis sees a fire truck he gives it a big old fist pump.

We attended a dinner for the Morada Fire Department to help them raise money to restore an antique fire engine. Lots of great food, drinks and firemen!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Last Chance Study Session 109/256

I had to take a quick break from studying so I thought I would post a picture of what I have been doing for the last week. It is about the equivalent of watching paint dry...which hopefully I will be licensed to do as of tomorrow morning :) I am having a hard time focusing for more than a few minutes at a time, so it has made retaining any of this crap a little difficult.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

One sibling can cook and one can eat! 108/257

We had dinner at Jen and Alex's house tonight. I have no idea what they call this thing, but I like to refer to it as freakin delicious. It was pasta baked inside a puff pastry thing. It.was.good. Since my oven is still broken and the part is indefinitely on back order I guess I will have to keep eating at thier house. Oh darn!
Here is a bonus picture of little Bella

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Crush(ed) 107/258

Tonight I had dinner at Crush with the BFF Rose. The company and conversation were top notch...Crush left me a little more crushed than I had hoped. I want to like this place, I really do. I adore Michael, the owner, and the food is usually pretty tasty. The prices are just unbelievable. It was $40 for my dinner and I didn't have any drinks! That seems a little bit out of control for Lodi, or at least my poor persons pocketbook.

Monday, April 19, 2010

These boots are made for walking 106/259

I wore my usual flip flops to the shop today. I had planned on getting out of there at noon like I normally do. Turns out I was wrong and Todd wanted me to go to Sacramento and drive a customers truck back to the shop. I was trying to get out of going and told him that I couldn't go because I wasn't wearing proper shoes. So he fabricated some closed toe shoes out of cardboard...and I wore them to Sacramento and talked to his customer.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Smiley 105/260

Can you blame me for being obsessed with this little guy?

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Here fishy fishy fishy 104/261

Travis and I spent the day in Monterey. We stopped by Phils in Moss Landing for some of the best seafood in the world. Seriously, it is amazing. Then we went to the aquarium to check out all the sea critters. This trip was to tide (get it?) me over until I can get back to an ocean and snorkel!

Friday, April 16, 2010

Year of the Dog 103/262

We had chinese food for dinner tonight. Tazzy LOVES chow mein. Travis is convinced that this is because Tazzy is of Asian descent (Shih tzu and Pug). Clearly Travis has forgotten that I have asexually reproduced my little soul mate and I am not Asian. Whatever.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

My new do 102/263

Got my hair did today. It desperately needed it. She cut a few inches and straightened it for me. Don't worry it will be back to its normal curly (fro) goodness soon.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Am I really this boring? 101/264

What does it say about my life that the most exciting picture I remembered to take was of my soda cup from dinner? *sigh* No wonder I have no readers.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Safety First 100/265

Monday, April 12, 2010

Hail-O there Storm 99/266

Another crazy hail storm with lightning and thunder this afternoon. Followed up with a double rainbow.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Rainy, Lazy, Sunday 98/267

This picture pretty much sums up our day. It was rainy, windy and cold. So Travis, Momo and I were lazy bums. We did actually manage to leave the house to watch a movie, but then came right back to the house and our pajamas.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Love Roll 97/268

Travis and I had a much needed night out. We went to a new (to me) Sushi Bar that was amazing! This was one of their specials, the "Love Roll" Oh, we also had beer. Lots and lots of beer.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Today was even busier and more difficult than yesterday.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

No excuses 95/270

Today was just not a great day. Insanely busy and no time to take any pics. I am hoping to get back in the game pretty soon.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Pump It 94/271

This is a piece of of the pump that had 5 people searching for nearly 8 hours to find a replacement. I hate this pump with a fiery passion. I wish I could have smashed you into a million little pieces, but you were already broken. Stupid pump.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Mac's Ol House93/272

I was on my way home from Martinez and feeling pretty exhausted when Dad called. I told him that I was going thru Antioch and he suggested I jump off and have dinner at this fine establishment. He usually isn't one to steer you wrong when it comes to sniffing out hole in the wall places to eat and this old house turned restaurant is no exception. Mom was following me in her car and we stopped for some YUMMY food. My favorite part about Ol Mac is that he knows how to drink! A triple, yep thats right as in a double isnt cutting it, throw another shot in my glass, I like to wake up on the floor, numb faces are my thing. Plus, they are only $3.50. No joke. This is my kind of place and Mac is my kind of man.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Not my fault 92/273

No pic today, but this time it is not my fault. My cell phone hates mondays as much as I do and decided to take the day off. It froze and refused to take a single pic, answer a phone call or reply to any texts. It was actually quite divine.

Oh yeah, today is Hobby's 20th birthday! Happy Birthday my big beautiful horsie!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!! 91/274

I had just posed momo for a quick easter pic and he went all godzilla and snatched up a peep. Turns out he loves peeps, who knew.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Blue Moon 90/275

It has become quite clear to me that Blue Moon must be invited to ALL family outings from this point forward. No Blue Moon = No me.

Friday, April 2, 2010

NSFA - Not suitable for anyone 89/276

I warned you.

I work in a sick twisted environment.

When one of the guys found this beauty on a jobsite, he did what any perv would do and brought it to the office to hide in someones desk (that should teach anyone to go on vacation around here). Luckily, a customer had an equipment remote control in the shop for repiars and what better equipment to operate than a giant pink dildo?

*disclaimer: if that is your equipment remote control in the picture...well, sucks to be you*

We also doctored up the remote control with some fancy labels that say "boom up" and "rotate" Too bad I won't get to see the look in this guys face when he gets to his desk monday morning.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Fail 88/277

I know I know. This has been a bad picture week. Last night was rough and I passed out...I mean fell asleep at about 8:30. I am an insomniac people, this just doesnt happen. I slept until 2am and then fell back asleep at 2:30 and slept until almost 7.