Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snuggly Jack 28/337

Little Jack Jack fell asleep snuggling this toy. Don't let him fool you. It's not the sweet picture you might think. This is actually Momo's toy that Jack stole and slept on to keep Momo from taking it back.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

No Picture Today 27/338

I was bad and forgot to take a picture today. Too many other things on my mind.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Cupid? 26/339

Looks like someone is getting ready for valentines day. This explains why he's been wearing a diaper.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Nosy Neighbors 25/340

Hobby and Charlie were checking out their new neighbors tonight. The cows brought lots of "pies" when they visited, so it looks like they will be getting along just fine.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My other Guy 24/341

This is Jack. He is wild, onery and acts just like Travis. I love his obnoxious little self and its definitely time for him to be introduced.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!!! 23/342

Aint She purdy? After a yummy dinner at Dave Wongs we headed back to Jens house for homemade chocolate lava cake and gelato. It was painfully delicious.

Happy Birthday Mama!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Dear Rain, 22/343

Please go away. My equipment is sad and lonely just sitting around. They would really like to go out and make momma some money, so if you could just take a break for a few months, that would be fabulous.


Person who has grown attached to her business and would like to keep it.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Meet the newest family member 21/344

Isn't he cute? This little guy was found running down the side of the road this morning and almost got hit. Mom and Dad stopped to rescue him and he hopped into moms arms and started giving her kisses. He is the cutest sweetest little puppy (besides MoMo) ever! You can't see in this picture, but he has a white chest and little wrinkles on his face. I hope they keep him. He doesnt have a name yet, even though I have a few possibilities in mind. Any ideas for a name?

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Gettin' my toes did 20/345

Mom and I got our toes did this afternoon :) It was lovely.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Freedom!!!! 19/346

I finally decided that the back pasture had been "rested" enough and opened the gate to let the horses through. Charlie has been waiting for this day for months and couldnt control his excitement. He ran around bucking and snorting for about 15 minutes before he went over to visit his best buddy, the neighbors horse.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Pita Bread! 18/347

I had lunch at Papapavalos with Mom and Jen today. As always it was delicious. The pita bread was flowing like the desperation on The Bachelor. It was after about the 6th basket that we realized the waiter was just bringing the pita bread in order to ogle Jen. She of course left with a to-go box and about 3 dozen pieces of bread, so there were no complaints from her.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wind and rain and hail..OH MY! 17/348

This has been the view out my window for the past few days. The wind and the rain just keep coming and the thunder and lightning just started. In fact, the hail is coming down as I type.
The next person that makes one comment about "the drought" is going to get throat punched. Consider yoursevles warned :)
Leave it to me to not be able to follow the rules! Right after I posted this picture a crazy hail storm started and I rushed outside to take pictures. So here are 2 bonus pictures for today.

Look at those splashes! There was some might large hail dropping out of the sky.

MMMMMMM more rain.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

My sushi tastes like chicken 16/349

A and I went to Shangrila...but we didnt actually eat any sushi. It was cold and rainy so we opted for some yummy terriyaki chicken instead. Somewhat odd to go to a sushi restaurant and order chicken, but then again, we are somewhat odd girls.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Wise Monkeys 15/350

See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil.
Travis bought me this little monkey carving made from bone (yikes!) when we were in Mexico. I wonder if he is trying to tell me something?

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lazy Sunday 14/351

This is what I saw most of the day. Little Tazzy MoMo snuggling with me.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bringing back the 80's 13/352

What a treat you all have today!!! A picture of your fearless leader! Saturday night Travis and I went to an 80's themed birthday party and since I was but a wee little child in the 80's I had to check google for proper attire. Unfortunately, my cone bra and leather pants are at the cleaners. I did manage to put this together though. Now that I see the picture I realize that my side pony tail could have been bigger, my bangs should have been taller and my blue eye shadow could have offered a bit more WOW! I think my star fishnets were damn fine and added just the right touch even if they are a bit hard to see in the picture.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Fruity Husband 12/353

When I left the house this morning there was an entire bunch of bananas, five to be exact. There were also 3 oranges in the bowl. I guess I know what my husband ate for lunch. He has been going to the gym and trying to eat healthy. I was hoping he learned his lesson about eating all my fruit in one day when he ate 4 plums for lunch. Apparently he think bananas and oranges are safe.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

View from the cab 11/354

Travis came by the yard today to pickup dads new boat. The boat has been sitting in the yard at work for the past several months while it is being repaired. The previous owner sank the boat in the bay as an insurance job. Naturally, dad had to buy the submarine/boat and repair it. Its actually a pretty nice boat and I think its going to be alot of fun when its back in the water. I have missed being out in the bay fishing and crabbing since he sold his previous boat.
Anyways, I walked out to watch and take some pictures and I hopped in the cab of the crane with Travis. I took about 3 dozen pictures with my camera of them actually picking the boat and loading it, but I decided to post this cell phone pic instead. It's the view that Travis has when he looks out the roof of the cab.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Next in the lineup 10/355

Today was a rough day. I had all these grandiose plans to take a phenomonal picture that would hook my thousands..umm..hundreds...ok maybe the handful of readers that I have. In actuality I never got a chance. It was getting late and I realized that I had yet to snap that magical photo and I frantically glanced around for something suitable. So I grabbed this book. Its next up on my list of brain food. It was a christmas gift from mom and is based on a true story about a young boy in a very poor village that learns how to make a windmill in order to bring electricity and running water to his people. I'll let you know what I think when I'm done reading.

Oh yeah, I was naked when I took the picture, maybe that makes it more interesting...or just disturbing??

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

School Street 9/356

After visiting the DR this afternoon to learn that I have been blessed with a bout of bronchitis, I went with Mom to see Avatar in 3D. I figure if I was well enough to go to work, I am well enough to go see a movie. After the movie we walked over to the School Street Bistro to have dinner with J and A. To be perfectly honest, I was pretty torn about which picture to post tonight, J and A or the freaking awesome cinnamon apple bread pudding we all shared for dessert. :)

Monday, January 11, 2010

Greener Pastures 8/357

This is the view from my front pasture looking out onto the back pastures. Its where Charlie can be found pretty much all day hoping that I will let him into the back so he can go visit his buddy (the neighbors horse).
I keep telling him that the grass isnt really greener on the other side of the fence, but like so many, he is convinced that it is.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Story of Edgar Sawtelle 7/358

This pretty much summed up my day. I've been sick since we got home from Mexico, so i've been spending lots of time getting to know Edgar Sawtelle. He is quite the interesting fella and a great read. The book is the story of a boy growing up on a farm that breeds and trains dog. After a tragic accident at the farm, he sets off into the wilderness with 3 of his dogs. Parts of the book are actually written from the perspective of a dog and strange as that may seem, its quite enlightening.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Jon 6/359

Here is a picture of our friend and ex business partner Jon on his 35th birthday. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera at home so I had to make a mad dash with my cell phone to take a picture. I am going to have to get on the ball with my camera because these cell phone pictures suck. Anyways, Happy 35th Jon...You are half way to 70.

Friday, January 8, 2010

My poor poor horse :( 5/360

I feel so bad for him. I have already spoken with 3 vets today. Why the hell are all the vets out of town today? Is there something going on that I am not aware of?
Without looking at it and just my descriptions over the phone, they all seem to think that he needs to be kept clean and dry. Some think I should pack it with epsom and betadine paste, one seems to think that keeping it open is best. I think he will be ok, but it really sucks to know that he is going to be in pain. At least its less painful than it was the last few days. The open infection is what has me worried.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hobby's Hoof 4/361

I tried to take a picture of Hobby's ruptured abcess, but it was dark and I only had my cell phone. I'll try again tomorrow. Its nasty, consider yourselves warned.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I've got the golden ticket!!! 3/362

I'm pretty sure this isn't going to gain me entrance to Charlies Chocolate Factory, but it is a huge relief that I found it. This is a fix it ticket Travis got Thanksgiving weekend for having blacked out windows on the truck. Thanks to my lovely cousin its signed off and ready to be sent in. Unfortunately, I lost it this morning...but then found this afternoon on the copy machine. Wooohooo! I didnt want to have to be the one to tell Travis that I lost his ticket.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

My little pony 2/363

This is Hobby. Hobby and I have spent the last 18 years together. Unfortunately, he has been dealing with some pretty bad leg problems the last few. I don't know about you, but I think he looks pretty miserable right now. He has one of the worst abcesses I have seen on his coronary band. Its in the same spot he had last october, so this could be bad news if it keeps reoccuring. I am hoping that it wasnt cleaned out good enough in october (it ruptured while I was gone and didnt get dressed) and that its not a coffin bone issue. *sigh* I really hope that it ruptures quickly because its hard to watch him in so much pain. I would love to pump him full of bute and make it feel better, but I know that will just hurt more in the long run. Poor little hobby.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Meet Mr. MoMo 1/364

For those of you that have not been introduced, here is little Tazzy MoMo, the love of my life. I'm sure you will be seeing lots and lots of him in the next 365 days.

He was unable to wait for me to put the sheets back on the bed. He is a dirty dirty little doggie and needs a bath, which he will be getting before sleeping in my clean bed tonight.

365 Days.

I have been browsing a couple of 365 day blogs and while I realize I am a bit late to jump on the wagon, it sounds fun...and hard.

I have been kicking around the idea of having a public blog for awhile, so why not try one with pictures? I don't think I will actually manage to post the picture every single day, but I will attempt to take a new picture everyday and post within a reasonable time frame.

Wish me luck!!!