Sunday, February 21, 2010

Peter Rabbit 49/316

I'm so sad I didnt have my camera and had to try to take this on my cell phone. You can't see him, but my pet rabbit is under the trailer. Well, its either Peter or one of his many ladies. He is a rabbit afterall! Travis gave me Peter a couple years ago when they were chopping a field and ran over Peters mom :( He was just a teeny tiny baby and Travis caught him and brought him home. I gave him a bath and fed him, but he was just too scared to be in the house. Cottontails will give themselves heart attacks if they get to scared. So I made him a little house and he lives out by the horses. Every spring we see him and LOTS of little cottontails. They are pretty much the only thing at our house that is protected. We love our little bunnies.