Saturday, November 27, 2010

2 Loco and Four Loko 327/38

Heavy drinking and watching movies is kind of Mine and Cody's "thing" We are big fans of hitting up the liquor store on the corner and then smuggling some delicious little treat into the movie. There are perks to being tipsy during the movie. Scary movies will scare the crap out of you, funny movies make you laugh til you pee your pants and action movies get you pumped full of adreniline til you want to puke (well basically it enhances your bodily functions it seems). Imagine our delight when we found that the liquor store on the corner has yet to pull the Four Loko's from thier shelves. I have been hearing all kinds of delightful things about this drink. It is caffeine and 12% alcohol per serving. *giggle* Lets just say that Tangled is a funny movie. Tangled while pumped full of Four Loko is ridiculous. I lost count of the number of times I heard Cody snorting while laughing.


Anonymous said...

Dude! That sounds like a great time!

codizzle said...

it was awesome!!! i saw it again (sans loko) and it was still hilarious!