Sunday, November 7, 2010

Cake=Marijuana 307/58

Jen and Alex invited me to go wedding cake tasting with them on this rainy sunday. I personally can't think of many other ways I'd rather spend a sunday, unless it involves alcohol, than sampling lots of yummy cake. Unfortunately, cake is a quite similar to marijuana for me. Please allow me to explain.

Marijuana is a gateway drug. No one just wakes up one morning with a heroin needle sticking out of their eyeball. They usually start that speedy downward spiral with a little ganja. Cake is my gateway. It's usually during my sugar induced, eyes glazed over, coma like state that I wake up and find myself wallowing in a bathtub full of twinkies.

Marijuana makes you relaxed and happy. Cake makes you relaxed and happy.

No matter how much of a closet marijuana smoker you are, people always tend to just know. Its something about that skunk weed smell and the red bloodshot eyes and the fact that you can stare at a blank tv screen and laugh until you pee all over yourself. Even if no one actually sees you eat cake, that muffin top hanging over your jeans and those chubby cheeks aren't actually fooling anyone.

You can make pot brownies. Wait, brownies are similar to cake...hmmmmm. Peace out peeps, I've got some baking to do!


Anonymous said...

I read this blog entry to S, and all he could say was "Does K have weed?" I said, "Huh?" "Does K have weed or not?!?!?!" he demanded.