Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Tranquility??? 330/35

I had an appointment, for the first time today, at the Salon at Wine and Roses to get my hair done. When I got there, I was informed that Abby was running a little behind and would I mind waiting in the "Tranquility Room" I'm sure I had a dumb look on my face because the little cheerleader at the front desk went on to explain the Tranquility Room to me. I think she lost me at tranquility. This is concept I am clearly not familiar with. At all.
quality or state of being tranquil; calmness; peacefulness; quiet; serenity
Hahahahahaahaha!!! If she had told me they were going to inject me into a pin ball machine full of chaos, stress and noise I would have known exactly what to do. This quiet calm thing was foreign to me. But I like to think of myself as an adventurer so I followed her to a cozy room with big plush chairs and a crackling fireplace. She then pointed out the tea, water and homemade granola to snack on. (Really??? Homemade granola?? Who has this kind of time??)
Luckily for me I am an antisocial little creature so I always bring a book to my hair appointment so I can read the time away. Next thing I know I was curled up next to the fire in a divine chair with a cup of chai tea.
When Abby showed up to bring me to the salon I actually considered skipping my hair appointment and giving this "Tranquility" thing a little more of my time. Then I caught a glimpse of my mop in the window reflection and knew if I wanted to look presentable I better go.


codizzle said...

will i be shocked by the results?