Friday, December 17, 2010

December Musings 347/18

I'm a holiday girl. I will admit it. I love planning, it feeds my severe OCD. I like to make lists and get a giddy little feeling seeing things crossed off. I like having something to look forward to.

Unfortunately, this year, I am not a holiday girl. I am a barely functioning girl. I tried to get in the holiday spirit. I ate turkey on Thanksgiving, went to a local Christmas parade and have shopped for and wrapped presents. Thats about all I can gather the gumption for.

I am that annoying person that pops all of my Christmas cards in the mail on December first, yet this year, I didn't even send cards out. Nor have I decorated the house...not even a tree. The only thing I put out were the Christmas cards that we received from everyone else.

I have basically been in a fog for the entire year. Lots of major life altering changes going on. I won't bore you with the details.

I think the biggest reason I cant get into the holidays this year is because I took a short break from reality (I said reality people not sanity. Lets not start calling Betty Ford just yet). This plus the fact that all of the major events that mark the passage of time leading into the holiday season didnt happen this year. I am still patiently awaiting the halloween party to take place, so there is just no way it can be Christmas.

So here is a little toast to you 2010. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

2011, I'm expecting great (ok, at this point I would settle for mediocre) things from you!