Monday, December 27, 2010

Ollie vs. Indestructible dog bed 357/8

Ollie likes to chew. He LOVES to chew stuffing out of things. He especially loves to chew stuffing out of dog beds. I have seen him actually chew the stuffing out of a bed while Jack was sleeping on it. Poor Jack went to bed on a fluffy dog bed and woke up on the ground wondering what the hell happened!

I figured some genius out there had to have come up with a dog bed that was chew proof. I did a little bit of research and lo and behold there is such a genius. According to their website, dogs rarely find themselves able or willing to chew through one of these hi denair fabrics. Even if they do chew through the outer cover, they rarely keep chewing the inner piece that holds the stuffing. Should your neurotic dog be able to accomplish such a feat they will either refund your money or send you a new cover or bed. They offer this holy grail of dog chewing beds for $135!!! Considering I was on number 4 of the $20 variety from costco, I figured it would be a long term investment and hauled my self up to Roseville to pick one up.

This is what is left of it after about 10 days. Ollie did manage to chew through the outer layer...but miraculously, he stopped chewing and didn't drag the stuffing around the yard (although it did make it look like it snowed and we had a white Christmas from the last time). I called up the maker and they said no problem, and offered me a new cover or my money back. I figure this bed has been the strongest we have tried so far and chose to go with a new cover. Lets just hope he has lost interest in seeing the inside of this bed.