Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Illegitmate Child 345/20

I have an illegitimate bastard child...Mouse.

I guess I should start at the beginning.

*Greg loves chocolate
*Kelly loves chocolate
*Greg and Kelly dedicated one entire drawer in Gregs tool box for chocolate
*After halloween, Greg spent nearly $100 stocking said drawer FULL of chocolate and candy
*Work got slow, Greg was sitting home for a few weeks
*Kelly tried to stop gorging on chocolate
*Greg came by the shop to pickup some tools
*Kelly was sitting on tool box chatting with Greg while he picked up his stuff
*Greg opens the large bottom drawer of his tool box
*Big fatty mouse with a pot belly and chocolate mustache looks up at Greg and Kelly
*Mouse JUMPED out of the tool box
*Greg and Kelly scream like little school girls

Fast forward a few days

*Kelly notices mouse poo in her office
*Kelly calls Greg to inform him that his bastard son needs to be cared for
*Greg tells Kelly that thier bastard son is in her custody mon-fri
*Kelly hangs up on Greg

Fast forward a few more days

*Kelly walks out to the shop to grab something
*Kelly sees that her bastard son has moved back into his fathers tool box
*Bastard son must have been cold because he has started shredding papers and crap into the lock slot on the top drawer of his daddy's tool box
*Kelly texts a picture of thier childs new home to Greg